and then she snapped: flashback friday

flashback friday

A trip to Whidbey Island in 2005...
in the ferry line

Camden and "Big Haired" Daddy on the ferry

on the beach (aren't these captions helpful?)

how Grace got her start blogging.

linking up with Tia for flashback friday!


  1. the one of Grace on the computer is great! Happy Weekend.

  2. that first one is adorable! all these are great! amazing how so much has changed in SUCH a short time!

  3. Look at your sweet little pumpkins! So cute, and I love their smiles! Thanks for stopping by, and for the sweet comment. Yes, the header is fairly new. I kept changing it thinking that one day one will stick and make perfect sense for the theme of my blog. I think this might be it! ;) Have a great weekend!

  4. Could Chris look anymore like a teen dad?

    Love these all; such a darling little fam.


  5. wonderful vibrant shots * luv how ur little one's setup the tent office-style * *

  6. Hi, great photos. I love little blogger!

  7. Love this trip down memory lane. Sure looks like it was one heck of an adventure!

    xx Cat brideblu

  8. Are you SURE that's not Charlie??

  9. so so cute. i especially love the one of grace "blogging." :-)


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