and then she snapped: saturday


it was spring today! (until about an hour ago when it started raining...again) fortunately I got a few pics at Camden's game this morning while the sun was shining!

looking cool. obviously.

Charlie and his new bff, SuLee
linking up with the paper mama {friend}

linking up with Clare for naked sundays
and ni hao yall for sunday snapshot

linking up with Mandy at Harper's Haps
I am wearing head to toe "soccer mom"

My beautiful friend Jenny and her new babe, Benjamin

a HIT!

enthralled by the game


  1. Great photos! Love Charlie flying in the air!!

  2. lovely photos! Love the little girl with the tongue stuck out!

  3. Love the Soccer Mom Boutique - favorite shop. You look cute... and so does Charlie. Hooray for baseball.

  4. Love the last photo where the dad and son are so engrossed by the game but the girl is sticking her tongue out. Sweet!

  5. Great shots! I love that head to toe soccer mom gear....I was right there with you this weekend!

  6. love the last shot! It is just a great capture!

  7. camden looks sooo much like chris in that first one, and those two of charlie are abso-freakin-lutely adorable!

  8. great pictures! thank you for sharing! :)


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