and then she snapped: show {off} your shot

show {off} your shot

It's so hard to choose my favorite show off each week, but I do it anyway! I love the simplicity of this shot from last week. Congrats, Michelle!

here's your winner button, Michelle!

and then, she {snapped} 

This week, let's talk about action! Well, more specifically, how shutter speed can be adjusted to portray action in different ways. Last week when I spent 48 hours in San Francisco I took these. In the first, I used a fast shutter speed, to FREEZE the action. See how the water is nice and crisp-ish?

In the second, I slowed the shutter speed way down, to give the camera time to capture the movement of the water. See how the blurriness of the water shows how it is moving?

What do you think? Which do you like better?

Now it's your turn! What tip can you share this week?

Rules Guidelines:
~One photo per person, and the photo must be taken by you.
~Blog about your photo and share something about how you took the photo, or how you edited it.  (Please don't skip this part, because it is so fun to be able to learn from one another).
~Add my button (below) to your blog post...(text links are ok too, but please do link back to me or I might cry)
~Link up to your blog or Flickr page, (but please link up to your specific post and not just your blog homepage...if I can't tell what post you are linking up I will have to delete the entry).  

If you have ANY questions, feel free to email me.

I can't wait to see what you come up with this week!

and then, she {snapped}

Ready?  GO, and  show {off} your shot!



  1. awesome pencil shot and then the second one is hard to choose. I like the powerful feel of the first shot but, the more smooth feel of the second. hmmmmm like them both!

  2. Oh thanks for choosing my pencils! I've never had the best show off before :D
    I like the first shot the best, I love the crisp look of the water shooting out :)

  3. I really love the water shots that you can see the droplets or clearness of the water flow. I heart that 1st one!!

  4. I like the bottom one. I guess I like the feel of movement. Beautiful.


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