and then she snapped: dear charlie

dear charlie

Dear Charlie,
Happy 15 months today!  You're a toddler now, you know.  And you're awesome.  You've mastered walking without having your arms out in front of you all Frankenstein like, and you can totally get down off the couch all by yourself.  Which is awesome, because it means I can leave you there, watching George, and not worry about your falling off. At your checkup this week you weighed 22 lbs 9.5 oz, and you measured 30 1/2 inches long.  I can't remember the percentages, but I think it's like 20% and 26%, respectively, which is considerably smaller (charts-wise) than Grace or Camden ever were, which means your pants aren't always too short (yay!).  You got four shots at the doctor's office and were NOT at all happy about that. I don't blame you, that nurse is lame, she's not quick enough. You have turned into an awesome sleeper (even though I'm afraid that simply by typing that sentence I will ruin everything).  You sleep from about 7pm til about 6:30 am, and then you take one nap that lasts 2-3 hours.  You actually seem to LIKE to go to bed, it's pretty cute. You just got another tooth this week, which makes 5 total (the same number of cavities your brother had this week), so maybe we should start brushing those pearly whites a little more regularly. You love to be outside, just walking around, and checking out what the "big kids" are doing. I can't wait til spring actually starts around here so we can be outside a little bit more (it's the end of April, and the weather report had the nerve to mention SNOW last night).  SERIOUSLY!?  You also love to look for doggies, kitties, and birdies.  And you like to show me what a dinosaur says, or a car (and they sound pretty much the same). You can point to your hair, ears, nose, eyes, and "fat tummy", and you like to take your socks off and let your piggies run free. You talk ALL THE TIME, but I honestly have NO idea what the heck you are talking about.  I'm sure it's super important though. You love to sit on the couch in the living room with me and watch for Gracie to come home from school, you get so excited when you see her. And you LOVE when she asks if you want to have "tubby time" (the answer is ALWAYS "YES!"). You enjoy playing with your "friends" at Moms' Day Out on Fridays, and sometimes I peek at you through the window there and it's so amazing to watch you just be a big kid! I cannot believe how fast you are growing, and I know that in no time at all I'll be dropping you off at preschool, then kindergarten, then COLLEGE! OMG! Please slow down, just a little bit, k?

Love love love you,
Love, Mom
linking up with the anderson crew for embrace the camera
and momma in focus


  1. This is SUCH a beautiful picture! Love this post :-)

  2. Beautiful picture, and great post!

  3. Wonderful post -- something he'll treasure.

  4. So sweet!! And he's lucky he's on the shorter side (like you said)! Poor Bennett always has high waters! Ha ha

  5. I could have written this post myself about Collin today. HATE that they grow so fast, but LOVE that we get to watch it.

  6. SO in love with that picture!

  7. great post, they grow up so fast. love the picture

  8. so cute! mine is 16 months with 5 teeth too, and loves all the same things!!

  9. So beautiful, he's so adorable! :) Happy b-day to him! :)

  10. Charlie, i am so glad i got to see you and your sweet Mamma today! Love you both!

  11. This photo is divine, Lady. Love me some CP. And some CP's mom.

  12. Happy 15 months, Charlie! Loving this post and the photo!!

  13. He sounds like such a sweetie!! HE sleeps like my kiddo 7ish to 6:30 and takes one good nap;0. THis picture of you two is SOO sweet and feels VERY in the moment which I love. THanks for linking up friend!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo

  14. This photo is a keeper. Happy 15 months little man.

    (and lets not speak of college yet... heart palpations here)

  15. What a great journal of the day and this sweet little ones growth. Awesome capture. Pure innocence.


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