You guys have blown me away with these nominations. I so wish I could give each of these moms a little extra something. But alas, we have to narrow it down to one. Or I should say, YOU do! Please vote (below) on who you think is most deserving of the $50 Target Gift Card. And if you want your favorite to win, feel free to ask your friends to vote as well.
And the nominees are:
I think Anne definitely deserves a target mom gift card. She has a new little baby and just had to go back to work. I remember my first day of work and how hard it was to leave my little one. And how much I cried. She's even nursing through all of this. She's such a wonderful mom, and loves her boy so. She has been really tired and exhausted form working but keeps at it. She could use a Target giftcard and a peaceful night away.
I nominate Dana as deserving a Target
In the past year, she opened her home and heart to a set of
siblings from an abusive situation.
Those foster kids will never know abuse again… their adoption was just
This has grown their family of five – to eight. She has given them the gift of being loved
and being unafraid to be loved. I heart
her. A lot.
I'd like to nominate SuLee. I don't know her super well, but the more I learn the more impressed I'm become. I have to admit that sometimes she annoys me with how cute her family photos are, with her little girls in matching outfits and her damn cake pops. As much as she looks like super mom from the outside, I know she's had some real struggles and yet she has remained so faithful.
As a younger mom, I've appreciated her authenticity, wisdom and contagious smile. Her kiddos are pretty blessed.
If anyone deserves a Target gift card, it's my cousin! She has two boys, ages 4 and 2. Her oldest was diagnosed with Autism about two years ago, just before her husband was deployed to Iraq/Kuwait for a year. She spent that entire year trying to figure out how best to treat her Autistic child while tending to an infant! Her husband is home now, but he's leaving for a month for a work trip soon! She hardly does anything for herself and deserves a little pampering!
My friend Liz is an amazing mom. She is pregnant with her 3rd baby and has a 4 and 2 year old as well. Her husband works LONG hours, and she's often tired, but she always finds energy to play with her kids, make up games, sing, teach them French- and cook dinner from scratch. And she's never too busy to drop everything for a friend in need. If you have a problem, she is there with a smile on her face, ready to help.
I want to nominate my little sister, Cortney. I know it's unusual for an older sibling to say this, but I look up to her, especially as a mother. She is the most selfless person I know & one of the most amazing mothers I've witnessed in my life. She was by my bedside & wept with me as I kissed my son goodbye. And she has been by my side rejoicing with me as I welcomed another son & a daughter into this world.
Not long before her son's birth, Cortney decided that she would leave her career behind to be a mother & wife to her US Marine. Her sacrifices for her son & husband do not go unnoticed by me. She went from being able to buy herself & her husband whatever they needed/wanted to clipping coupons & she never once complained about the adjustment. She is happy to do this for her family & her country. She has always been a public servant & has always believed her calling to be helping others. I'd love for us to be able to give her a little something to celebrate her this Mother's Day!
My friend, Ann, posted today that her Mom just died. Not
to play the sympathy card but Ann also had a daughter, Kathleen, that
passed away from SIDS and then she wasn't able to have any more children
of her own. Ann adopted a baby, named Simon. Then she was able, thanks
to a donated egg, have her daughter, Delia. Ann's former husband
then had to have brain surgery and wasn't quite the same afterwards so
they divorced but she has since remarried. Ann will do anything for
anybody. She has driven out of her way just to bring me a
meal. My first year here she had me over for Thanksgiving because I
was alone. I know Ann doesn't really spend money on herself--every cent
goes towards children or her business. This Mom deserves a giftcard to spend on HERSELF!
I would like to nominate my teaching partner,
Dannie. Dannie is a hardworking, single mom to a 15 year old
daughter. She gives so much of herself to others and NEVER asks for
anything in return. She’s been working hard to lose weight and I know
that $50 to Target would help her feel special. Dannie deserves this so
I nominate my sister-in-law, Julie:
A mom who lost her own while a teen; who with hope blossoming in
her womb met loss again and again; whose husband flies in an occupied country;
whose daughter has so many needs their insurance company would happily drop
But upon meeting this mother and even knowing her well, you
would never guess this was her story. Her daughters smile wide and laugh
often. They have learned this from their mother.
My neighbor is an elderly Malaysian woman who has always treated my sons like they are her own. She never hesitates to babysit or stop at our door with delicious homemade Asian food. My mom lives on the other side of the world but thankfully, my boys have a grandmother like her here, a kind woman with her arms always open, calling out in the few English words she knows, “Come eat, eat!”
I want to nominate my best friend Nikki.
My neighbor is an elderly Malaysian woman who has always treated my sons like they are her own. She never hesitates to babysit or stop at our door with delicious homemade Asian food. My mom lives on the other side of the world but thankfully, my boys have a grandmother like her here, a kind woman with her arms always open, calling out in the few English words she knows, “Come eat, eat!”
I want to nominate my best friend Nikki.
think she deserves more credit & totally deserves this! She has so
much on her shoulders yet some how manages to do it all. Works full
time, goes to school. She is involved in Hailey' school activities.
Volunteers. Hailey has done dance and now plays soccer. Time is limited
so she makes all the time she does have with Hailey special and really
important. Nikki does everything for everyone and really deserves
something for her!

When does voting end?