and then she snapped: downtown in instagrams

downtown in instagrams

This is Stella. Stella's big sister Rowan is really sick and needs prayers. Charlie and I got to play with Stella yesterday for a couple hours and (after she decided we weren't going to eat her) we had lots of fun!

Painting at the Children's Museum of Tacoma

Gluing is SERIOUS business.

We concluded our playdate with funny faces and spinning, because, obviously.

After we dropped Stella back with her family Charlie and I had some time to kill downtown while we waited for Chris' train to come in. I didn't have my big girl camera with me because who DOES that anymore?

But I do love me some Tacoma.

The Chihuly Bridge of Glass has some awesome photo opps. Big girl camera or not.

Waiting in the car for dad, crashed out listening to One Direction.

What's happening with you this weekend? Maybe I'll dust off my big camera. Maybe.


  1. Such heart warming photos. The first and last have to be my faves. Great way to capture the day.

  2. I love happy days. Tacoma is looking pretty.


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