and then she snapped: who the hell travels in heels?

who the hell travels in heels?

Headed to San Fran.
My friend Heidi travelled last week and shared this photo.  So, I felt like I had to share as well. Chris is on the left, I am on the right, in case there was any confusion. These are my new shoes that I had to arm wrestle another customer at Macy's for. I won. and I love them. and I lasted all day in them, well all the way until after dinner when I had to take them off and cry a little bit. Chris would like to share that his shoes are his favorites too.
(linking up for embrace the camera)

PS Travelling? Without kids? AWESOME. Thanks to my mom, and my sister, and my cousin for holding down the fort.



  1. OMG, you are hardcore. Seriously. Love those shoes, Lady. Have a SUPER trip!

  2. Who travels in high heels???...well, people who aren't traveling with kids, that's who! Have a blast. See you when you get back!

  3. Love the shoes! Wish I was brave enough to wear cute shoes. Guess I'll just stick with my chaco flip flops. Hope you had fun in SF!

  4. WAY TO GO!! Traveling in heels! You rebel

  5. Love the shoes but I seriously could NEVER travel in heals! Especially with the sprinting I have had to do to get from one concourse to the next.

  6. Those shoes were worth the fight... I through in a elbow shove for those cuties.

  7. way cute shoes! And I 100% agree, traveling without children is amazing!


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