and then she snapped: before and after baby's room

before and after baby's room

I'm back for the third edition of then and now - HOUSE style!

Here is Charlie's room before it was Charlie's room, before it was even our house!  Charlie's room was actually a part of our great big huge master bedroom.  The previous owners had some funky valance and curtains hanging to separate the area. I was never a fan of valances and curtains in the middle of the room so right away we got rid of those, and then a few years later we put up a wall right there, to turn that weird space into a nursery.  (Charlie's crib now sits where that little chest is).

The "new" wall (where the curtains used to be) is on the left in this picture.  Charlie's dresser/diaper changer used to be Camden's and is from World Market.  His train table also used to be Camden's and he plays cars and farm on it (I almost gave it to Jill but then was convinced otherwise that we needed to keep it for Charlie...sorry, Jill)!  The Charlie and the Pete prints were designed by me and photoshop, the curtains are from Target, and the crib and the radio flyer walker are craigslist finds.  Woohoo!  Oh, and don't forget to notice the new carpet!

Here's the rest of his room...bicycle prints were an etsy find, the chair matches one we have downstairs and were purchased at TJMaxx, bookshelf from World Market.  Oh, and that there on the right is a new door, so that we could get into the room since we added a wall and all. Oh, and in case you're curious (which I'm sure you are!), the paint color is Pratt and Lambert - Lambswool, which you may or may not find in a LOT of my house.

And finally, let there be light!  There are no overhead lights in this room (there aren't any in our room either, which I think is stupid...dumb contractors trying to save a buck), so we found this deal at Ikea, for around $12 bucks.  And you know I love me a bargain! I only wish we would have bought more for the other kids' (really dark) rooms as well!



  1. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it! :)


  2. This looks so great!! Will you come and remodel my house? :)

  3. Wow! The nursery looks so nice, and I can't believe it used to be a part of your room! Way to make use of space :) I love the carpet and the paint, and especially that radio flyer walker.....ok I pretty much love the whole room!

  4. I really like it!

    How annoying that they didn't install overhead lights... That to me is like not installing sinks...

    You have sinks, right? =D

  5. Love that you made it into two rooms. I never understood the HUGE master bedroom thing. That Radio Flyer cart is so cute.

  6. I really like that wall color, and I like the whole look of the room! Great job!!

  7. wow, love it.
    whenever we move, feel free to give helpful tips

  8. Total awesomeness. You did great, mama. How much do you charge for your services? I need help my little guy's room.


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