and then she snapped: POTD 355/365

POTD 355/365

it was gorgeous outside today, so we ventured outside (well, as far as the porch) to snap some shots of some of my favorite people!

these were all edited with coffee shop's velvet truffle action (my NEW fave) and coffee shop's rounded corners action.

and you guys, only 10 days til 365!  then it's PARTY time!


  1. Awww, look at pretty Grace. You two have the best cardigans!

    Dig the Snidely Whiplash 'stache on Camden!

    Did Charlie settle and get a snooze?

    Thanks for the waffles Lady!

  2. Love it! Its supposed to be in the 50's here starting sunday! I CANT WAITTT!

  3. love the velvet truffle!! I have PSE 8 and can't figure out how to download her actions! I tried and looked and can't get it to work! I am super bummed ( I also am on a mac)

  4. love the pictures! Hmm I think I might need to get PS or PSE...


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