and then she snapped: POTD 338/365

POTD 338/365

charlie loves "tubby time!"
and I love tubby pictures,
but NOT ones that look like this:

so, I opened in ACR and clicked on auto to fix the exposure
then brought it over to elements and...
cleaned the boogers off his nose and the food off his face
(yeah, I know, I probably should have done that in the tub--isn't that why he's there?)
brightened and sharpened his eyes like I talked about here
oh, and cropped!

I kind of love it now!

linking up with:
paper heart camera for touch up tuesday
my 3 boybarians for sweet shot tuesday
simplicity for "happiness"

don't forget about my current awesome giveaway!


  1. Really excellent edits, Lady! Good to see you all today!

  2. Oh good - since you did a tub edit, does that mean I'm off the hook? JK love this!

  3. will you please come over the next time it's tubby time at our house? i mean for Jack, not for me.

  4. ticks me off when my camera doesn't see the lighting like it do :( good job on fixing - i thought you took a new one with the flash!

  5. Very nice!! I love tubby pictures too!
    Here from sweet shot!

  6. That's the second tub I see while reading my feeds. I think I want to get into a hot tub now too...

    He looks adorable. Love the foam on his head :-D

  7. awesome edit! what a cute shot in the tub!

  8. Cute photo and great job with your edit!

  9. Very, very cute..and nice edit job! Big difference!

  10. Love the edit! Really made a big difference!

  11. Oh yes, you made it wonderful! I love bathtime pictures too :)

  12. Too cute! Great photo processing!

  13. too funny that he had to finished getting cleaned up in photoshop instead of the tub!

    Great edit and fixing the yucky bathroom light.

  14. Cute shot and great edit!

    Now that my girls are 12 and 15 they are not so thrilled they we got tub shots when they were babies! :) (but I am)

  15. This is such an adorable shot! Awww! Love that the colors pop in the end, so cute! xx

  16. What a difference! Amazing!

    I know you do a blog link-up on Fridays, but I'm starting to do a few of my favorite things on Fridays and would love for you to link-up to it, too. You could even link-up on Saturday or Sunday, if you wanted.

    Have a great week!


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