and then she snapped: POTD 280/365

POTD 280/365


My brother, Lars, used to say "gunga" when he wanted more food.  Who knows why.  But we still make fun of him for it.

We went out to breakfast this morning at a local diner.  You know, the kind that has the vinyl tablecloths on each table, and the old metal highchairs, and the disposable bibs that say "Growling for Food", and where all the patrons are over the age of 65 AND seem to know each other, and the service never lets your coffee cup get less than halfway full? 

Yeah, that kind of place.  Charlie loved it.  He ate a whole egg AND a whole pancake, then came home and took a three hour nap. 


  1. oh i love those kind of places!!! and then bob walks in the door as you're sitting there and your fifty year old waitress with teased 80's hair says, "hey bob. the usual?" and he nods and goes and sits down in the same chair at the same table he's been sitting at for a hundred years! theres a place like that in enumclaw we love!
    ps. um, charlie is getting BIG! and i love that disposable bib and metal high chairs are the coolest!

  2. sounds like a pretty awesome day to me.

  3. Fabulous! In fact sounds like my perfect day.

    Remember my tip and back up your hard drive, please.

    I'm here to help.

  4. We've only been to the Pine Cone once and that was BK (before kid) days for their world famous spaghetti and is was not our favorite...okay, it was yucky... so we marked them off our list but we might need to reconsider since you and Charlie are giving them a thumbs up for breakfast! :-)

  5. i KNEW it was the pine cone! and heidi is right- BACK IT UP! i've been meaning to back up my laptop for like 8 mos now but need to get a new cord for my external hard drive :( it's harder than it sounds, apparently.

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