and then she snapped: funniest. thing. ever.

funniest. thing. ever.

this was on our way home from Portland a few weeks ago, and was stuck on my phone until I was able to figure out how to get it off of phone and on the internet.

you're welcome...


  1. ahahaha! this looks like something that would be on america's funniest home videos!

  2. HAHAHAHA! if you thought you were going to fall asleep, wouldn't you rest your head on something?? and the reason you can't see me is probably because my forehead is pressed against the glass, fast asleep. :)

  3. Round and round he goes, where he stops nobody knows...

  4. i appreciate his need to wear the shades. i think that's hilarious in itself.

  5. I think the shades are what makes it so SO funny instead of just plain old funny, because at first glance, you can't really tell he's asleep.


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