and then she snapped: Easy Halloween Chocolate Mummy Treats

Easy Halloween Chocolate Mummy Treats

Walgreens new Loyalty Card program called Balance Rewards has launched and I decided to try it out. Because a) I like saving money and b) I was selected to do this here blog post and share with you all about it.

I signed up easily online (I already had a account that I use for one hour photo upload and it was super easy to sign up for their card using that). It's also very easy to sign up in store, and they even have "an app for that".

Then I went to my local Walgreens, browsing for Halloween ideas. I found these cute pumpkins. And half price (with the new #BalanceRewards)!

When I was ready to check out I just entered my phone number to access my account. This allowed me to get Walgreens Savings sales prices, as well as rack up reward points which accumulate as cash on future trips. (For example, some of the candy I bought qualified for 1,000 points per package). Prescriptions will get you 500 points each. 5,000 points = $5

I bought Hershey's Snack Size bars (and Snack Size Kit Kat bars because they are the same size and shape) so that I could make these adorable Halloween Mummies! Want to make some yourself? All you'll need is some crepe paper (aka streamers) in white. (The crepe paper is too wide as it comes, so I cut it down the middle), and some "googly eyes". Both of these can be found at any craft store. And some tape, and glue.

Simply wrap your crepe paper around your candy bar. Tape in the back. Glue on some googly eyes. Done. It's so easy even my husband could do it.

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I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Walgreens  #CBias #SocialFabric


  1. Oh those are cute! Did you change your banner?

  2. Those mummies are so cute! I didn't realize Walgreens had so much Halloween stuff and already on sale - I need to stop by mine.

  3. I love the little mummies -- I may have to try that!

  4. Those are so cute, I want to try this! :)

  5. What a great idea! Will have to do that.

  6. LOVE them, my mom sent me the most detailed 3 bars just like these!! She wrote a note" one for mummy" "one for deaddy" and one for "boo boo" LOL ;)

  7. These are just too cute..would make great little treats for kids at school.


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