and then she snapped: shooting all three

shooting all three

I have VERY few pictures of all three of my kids together. Which makes me sad when I have a fabulous deal on a canvas I want to order. So this week I dragged them all down to the beach near our house for a photo shoot. It didn't really work. Mostly because Charlie was being a butt.

Any tips for getting canvas worthy photos? (Please share and I'll feature them in a post I'm doing for Paper Heart Camera next week).


  1. those pics make me laugh!! Camden and Grace-such good sports.

  2. Go candid? Or get a friend to shoot them....mine were often better behaved for people they didn't call mom!!

  3. If you figure it out, let me know! I can't even get my TWO in a picture together. My 3 year old never wants to look at the camera and my one year old doesn't want to sit or stand still anywhere for more than half a second!

  4. I don't have any tips for getting all three to cooperate - it's HARD!! My tip is this: when you take the picture make sure to leave plenty of negative space around the edges of your composition. If you frame your shot too tight you won't have room for the wrap.

  5. I can't even get two to look in the same direction and smile at the same time, let alone three. I have found only one photographer who can get great shots of my girls, so I rely on her. I very much look forward to the tips/ideas you'll be sharing next week!

  6. oh my goodness, that second one has me laughing. it's unfortunate, but soooo funny. show him that one when he's 20.

  7. that second is totally canvas worthy! :) I love not perfect photos! Its such a true struggle of families while taking pictures! :)

  8. Hi Rachel,

    It looks like the 2 oldest children were willing to have thier photo taken by you. I would bribe Charlie. Yup bribe him! Seriously, I keep my camera with me at all times this way I can get the shot that I want. I *love* candid photos of children and adults.I think a candid photo of your 3 children involved in an activity that they all like to do together might be a good idea. I only have 2 canvases and in each of the shots I made sure thet thier was plenty of negative space so that I would be able to crop my photo to the canvas size I wanted. You probably knew all of this all ready.If I think of any othe ideas I will certainly share them with you.


  9. Well don't you just have beautiful looking munchkins there?! Beautiful. Even with Charlie being a butt!

  10. Well don't you just have beautiful looking munchkins there?! Beautiful. Even with Charlie being a butt!

  11. Oh my, I love the 2nd photo! :) Sorry you didn't get any canvas-worthy ones.

  12. Sometimes the shoots that don't turn out become some of my favorite memories! You have beautiful kiddos!

  13. I hate it when the kids act like buttheads ;o) You are too funny! I'm sorry it had to be difficult but unfortunately I know how you feel. My little one is not usually cooperative either (it's quite the bummer)!

  14. The first two are perfect pictures! Especially the one with the blond boy crying. Someday, it'll be your favorite!
    Have that picture made. I promise, you'll be glad you did.


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