and then she snapped: "school's out for summer!"

"school's out for summer!"

I wonder how many blog posts have this exact title around this time of year? I'm sure I am not original. But sometimes I just can't think of anything witty. (Sometimes).

We celebrated the end of the school year with a BBQ lunch at Camden's school, and an 8th Grade Graduation Assembly at Grace's school. Grace was awarded the prestigious "Student of the Year" award, (AND she looked adorable in her 8th Grade dance dress, which is perhaps even more important). Next fall we'll have a 4th grader and a high schooler. OMG. How did that happen?

 Camden, K'Quincey and Charlie being goofballs.

 Grace, Sarah, and Krissy being gorgeous.


Last day of 8th and 3rd grade!


  1. Your kiddos are so sweet..can't get over it!!

  2. That first picture is awesomesauce!

    I know I said it on FB - but congrats to Grace on her award - that is terrific!

    Now... if only the summer weather would start!

  3. is Grace the tallest girl in her school?! she is so pretty! and smart! I bet the boys are scared to death.


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