and then she snapped: On meeting other bloggers. #PNWBlogger

On meeting other bloggers. #PNWBlogger

This weekend Grace and I headed up to Von Trapps (Beers, Brats, and...Bocce ball?) in Seattle for the Pacific Northwest Blogger Meet-up. You may remember we went to one in Portland about 6 months or so ago, and my friend Heidi and I went to the previous one in Seattle as well. WHY do I go to these things? Well, if I'm honest, I'm not exactly sure.

You see, I'm kind of an introvert. (Grace doesn't believe me, but I totally am). I am a homebody, and getting "out there" to see and be seen is so not my thing. And blogging isn't my job, so it's not like I have to. But I kind of want to, I guess. But it's sort of an effort for me. Because I'd much rather stay home in my yoga pants and eat ice cream and watch the Following on the DVR. So I bought two tickets the day they went on sale, because I know I won't back out if I'd paid for a ticket (because I'm cheap like that). And once it's time to go, I'm not going to drive up to Seattle, and eat sausage (yuck) and sit all by myself. So? I put on my big girl pants, and I pretend to be chit chatty and fun. (I really do HATE chit chat though...I'd SO MUCH RATHER have a one on one conversation with you, about something that matters). 

My goal was to "meet" as many attendees there as I could. Maybe I'm more outgoing (brave) because I'm not all alone, I feel "safe" with my little side kick with me. Or maybe because I want to show Grace that it's good to break out of your shell every so often. We would walk up to a group, and just join in the conversation, and 9 times out of 10, it wasn't awkward at all.

I'm not going to lie, there are a few bloggers who I feel uncomfortable around. Like they don't have the time or the energy or the desire to chat with the "little" bloggers. During my years blogging I've introduced myself to some of these bloggers and they look at me like, why the hell are you talking to me. Maybe THEY are the introverts then? (Or maybe they're just bitchy?, but I think I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. For now.) And hey, if you're reading this, then NO, I'm not talking about YOU.

My friend Ruthy wrote a similar-ish post about the event, similar in the way that if you're going to go to these things you really do need to put yourself out there. Otherwise what's the point?

 what we wore...because that is super important, right?
also thanks instagram friends for helping decide which shoes I should wear.

 Spencer and Lindsy, doing good chatting!

Grace @gracedrechsel and Ruthy @discoverystreet, instagramming, of course.

In summary, the venue was cool (although there were SOOOOO many leftover sauerkraut brats, because really, who eats those?). The sponsors were awesome. Our swag bags were filled with fun goodies, and Grace and I both won a prize as well. (I won an ipad mini Gelaskin and a stylus, Grace won headphones). The people we talked with and exchanged cards with were really nice and friendly. And I'd say we found some new blogs/twitterers/instagrammers to be friends with. The one downside is there was no dessert, but we fixed that by stopping at McDonald's on our way home and ordering up a couple of Reese's McFlurries. Problem solved.

Do you go to these types of things? Why or why not?


  1. first of all...I would have totally eaten the sauerkraut brats. Would have been my favorites. I went to one of these once...really wasn't my cup of tea. I'll sit and have a one on one with you one of these days! Or, maybe two on two - if both our daughters want to come!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The blogging events are definitely fun, but for an introvert, myself included, it's very draining.

    I have my days where I am bubbly as can be, and also my days where it's hard to exert that extra effort...

    but in the end, I do enjoy meeting others!

  4. I read the post from you just now and from Ruthy - and it is exactly how I was feeling. It was so nice of you and Grace to come up and introduce yourself to me. I was so nervous to be there that night!!! What is it about being in a room full of women that is so intimidating!

    I felt like there were two type of women at the meet-up. Those who were there network (no matter how nervous or extroverted they may have been) an then there were people who were really only there to talk with old friends/not really interested in talking to me/anyone new.

    I was ok with that because it was rather easy to determine who is who and I had a lot of fun meeting new people that were there to be met :)

    Anyway - I had a great time meeting both you and your daughter and I look forward to being friends!

  5. Ha ha I like how Lindsay is photo-bombing your bathroom pic. I go to these things as much as I can, mainly because I feel like it's good for me. I used to be the type of person that would just stick with people I knew. But lately, and especially after my experience at BlissDom, I have really been trying to expand and put myself out there more. Truth is that I'm always nervous to meet "new" people, so it's hard for me to just walk up to people I don't know. But the point is that I'm trying, ya know? And that's all we can do! It was great to see you and Grace again!! :)

  6. First....hahahaha Lindsy is a creeper in you and graces selfie ! Second, glad to know we would all rather be at home eating dessert in yoga pants. Maybe we should do our own meetup in your living pants required! :)

  7. It seems funny to me that you think of yourself as an introvert. Although I don't know you that well, you always seem so confident and outgoing to me. :). So you hide it well ha! And since i'm rambling on here in the comment section, something I don't ordinarily do, I want to tell you that its so great that you involve Grace in these activities too--- good for our teen kiddos to hang out with their mums:) and FYI-- I would've eaten those brats too :)

  8. I've heard others talk/post about these things, but how do you find them? Am I not putting feelers out there? I have about a zero following, so maybe THAT"S why I don't know about them!!?! I have some limited hearing and that affects my 'performance' in crowds, but small conversations are OK. Thanks for posting on this. I need to get my blogging kicked back into gear. Have a great day.

  9. Maybe some day I'll go to one of these, it would be fun to meet some bloggers but then I can be VERY shy when first meeting people and being in a room full of people to meet ah man, I might come off as a b*tch and be too scared to talk to anyone. And really don't want to run into one of those snobby bloggers. But I would love to meet you and your family sometime, maybe a park playdate sometime this summer?!!
    I would have eaten those sauerkraut brats, love them ;) But probably not since I'd be getting close and talking to people I've never met.

  10. I think I want to go to one with you - you know something new...and we can go together.

  11. I am so afraid to go to those gatherings - although they look like SO MUCH fun! I wouldn't mind meeting new people. Except for the meeting new people part.

    (As in... trying to lipread in a busy environment is like cleaning your house after giving your toddler Mountain Dew).

    Glad you had a beautiful sidekick with you and had fun!


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