and then she snapped: wordless wednesday, but with words

wordless wednesday, but with words

I'm on a boat.

Here's my confession:
I don't really "get" wordless wednesday. So let's call it what it is. Around here words are totally ok, and actually encouraged! So if you like words too and want to link up your wordless wednesday, but with words, please do. And if it's Thursday by the time you get around to it, well heck, that's ok too.

and then, she {snapped}


  1. Love the colors. He is not to sure about this sailor business :)

  2. What a sweet baby boy! Beautiful colors!

  3. Oh! My Gosh! I laughed so hard at this and his little somber face and the words. Gosh he is just too cute!
    Love that look he is giving you!

  4. Charlie sure looks happy to be in that boat! Cute!!

  5. Hah! I'm on a boat... now what?

    Cute, cute cute! :)

  6. Why, yes you are! LOL - too cute!

  7. Does he have his swim trunks and his flippie floppies?

  8. That's a cute snap....he looks pleased as punch to be "boating".

  9. DARLING! Love the colors and the look on his face is priceless.

  10. Ha! love that expression on his face. "are you sure about this?"
    thanks Rachel for hosting WW but with words! have a great week.

  11. Ha! Love your caption. Charlie you are such a cutie pie!

  12. He is looking so blase about it too... like I am here all the time folks. What a cutie.

  13. Where were you? Besides in the boat.

  14. Absolutely love your blog.. Officially following ya.. Thanks for hosting.. ;))

  15. Love the button! I'm not sure why it's called wordless wednesday either...some blogger thought it would be clever. And it is. But being bloggers, we're not so good at the wordless thing. It's about time someone calls it like it is :)


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