and then she snapped: wordless wednesday, but with words

wordless wednesday, but with words

 We were invited to a friend's birthday party yesterday at Pump It Up, and can I just say that Charlie loved it? He was crazy baby the whole time. It was really fun.

Camden kinda had fun too I guess. 

A little bit of fun.

OK. I guess you could say I had fun too. (thanks to my friend Jenny for capturing the moment).

Our friend Sam thinks that two handed batting is for sissies.

The paparazzi was there too.

Here's my confession:
I don't really "get" wordless wednesday. So let's call it what it is. Around here words are totally ok, and actually encouraged! So if you like words too and want to link up your wordless wednesday, but with words, please do.  And if it's Thursday by the time you get around to it, well heck, that's ok too.

and then, she {snapped}



  1. Cute photos! Love Camden's thumbs up!!

  2. How fun! Looks like they had a blast.

  3. My kids LOVE Pump it Up. Looks like yours do too!

  4. How fun. Cute photos.

  5. Emma loves that stuff! Looks like lots of fun!

  6. It looks like Charlie's about to cry a little...bless his heart.

  7. Looks like everyone had a great time, Moms included!

  8. Love that paparazzi shot...funny. That looks like lots of fun. They didn't have stuff like this when I was little. bummer.
    Trying to link up but the linky is doing something weird. Will try again later.

  9. how freaking fun! i see that place on parent map all the time. ive been wanting to go! so fun!

  10. What great shots you got. I have yet to master the action shop. Probably not the right camera for it. LOL! I do love snapping photos though. Happy Wednesday!

  11. Oh... we have a place like that and I never thought our monster was old enough!

    Look at Camden!! What great shots of him.

  12. such fun photos! this is my first time linking up. :)


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