and then she snapped: playdate


A trip to the zoo with my friend Heidi ended up turning into a big ol' bloggy party, with a bunch of local moms who blog. Some I had met before, and some I just met today. AWESOME 70 degree day. Perfect!

Annabelle and Charlie

one of the FEW animals we actually saw today

moms (with cameras) and babies

Charlie loved being out of his stroller

our first time meeting Amy and Parker

Austin, Stella, and CP

Harper and Charlie, picnicking

more picnicking

could these two BE any cuter?

the whole gang

the stragglers
Emily and Poppy, Me and Charlie, Mandy and Bennett, Melissa and Rowan and Stella, Kiranda and Bella and Austin, Amy and Parker, and Mandy and Harper


  1. Love all the Mom-tographers! Zoo and fun practice pretty much had a fabulous day!

  2. These are great shots Rach! Too bad we had to take off before the group shot, but Anabelle was unraveling!

  3. Ok, seriously?! I'm completely jealous right now! I got to hang out with a few of those ladies last week....and it was a blast! I'm so bummed I missed out on a gorgeous day at the zoo! You got some great photos!

  4. Ooh I am so bummed I had to miss this trip! Dang school :( Re-do this summer for SURE.

  5. How fun!! I love your stroller. Great photos.

  6. yeah for zoo fun!!! I can't wait to take my daughter to the zoo. Kids just love animals and it is so fun to watch them at a zoo!

  7. hi, first time visitor here! this looks like so much fun. and great pictures! really makes me want to organize a bloggie meet up.

    nice meeting you.


  8. Great pictures! That tiger -- glad that he was in a safe area. Although he is ultra beautiful.

    Very fun bloggy day.


  9. Oh what fun! The zoo is always a winner.

    I am only a little jealous of all the hanging out.

  10. it was so fun! so glad i got to finally meet you. and i love that picture of parker in the one of us. me? not so much. i told you i have a double chin.


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