and then she snapped: just another random tuesday

just another random tuesday

I'm feeling super random today so bear with me...

First thing.  OMG isn't he adorable?  I LOVE this guy.  Today we went to the Spar to visit my aunt get a latte kill some time before we had to pick up Camden. As you know we LOVE the BEATLES around here and Charlie has had this shirt since he was oh, probably 3 months old.  It got too small so I did what every super turbo thrifty beatles fanatic would do and I cut it off UN-ONESIE-FIED it.  I now realize that this causes it to roll up slightly at the bottom, into a crop top, and last I checked boys nobody should wear crop tops. So, this will be the last time Charlie Pete sports this particular Beatles onesie crop top shirt.

I'm taking part in the SITS blog improvement class all about social media strategy and how to market your blog.  It's being spearheaded (is that the right word?) by Melissa at Momcomm, who I have just "met" and I already think she's fabulous. So far we've talked about branding, which is really fun for me.  One of the exercises was to ask one another in the class to tell us five words they think of when visiting our blogs. We're supposed to match this up with the five words we're trying to portray (on our blogs) and hope they are sort of similar. This part has been fun and if you have any input you'd like to share with me about this here blog as well I would LOVE to hear it.  I really want to improve my blog, to make it a "place" people can't wait to come back to each day, so I am open to suggestions!

Oh!  And coincidentally I received my business card order today! I ordered some business cards because I haven't had a real job in forever am going to a blogger conference in June, and thought it would be fun to share when I meet tons of other bloggers there!  (Oh, and I like to do stuff in photoshop, so there's that reason too). They look cool, and I think fit with my "brand" that we're learning about today, so I think I did something right when I designed them!  What do you think:
That's about it, except I just want to say "HEY!" to all my new followers, and thank you to all my old loyal followers as well. You guys are awesome and make blogging really really fun for me. Thank you! (Ok, now apparently I'm in a random AND cheesy mood).



  1. Very nice cards! And what a good idea too. Cute shirt that the little boy has on! What a cutie!

    And I just realized that I have been grabbing the wrong button for your challenge. I was grabbing the "winning" button for some odd reason. I wasn't READING it when I grabbed it, LOL! So I sincerely apologize.

  2. You rock my blog world.

    Those are the 5 words... right... right! Well you do so have a nice day and those card are cute.

  3. Aww, well he sure is adorable! :)

  4. i love that enthusiastically cheesy random outburts run in the fam!

  5. Super cute cards, Lady. And I still stuff AJ in a Def Leppard onesie, so it's all good in the hood. ;)

  6. Cute photo. Love your business card.

  7. five words: amazing photos, great tips, lovely

    send me the onesie and I will turn it into the most adorable toddler T-shirt ever!

  8. OH your business cards are adorable! And did I tell you how much I love your blog name yet? Because I really do.

    Thanks for the shout out and glad you're liking the class!

  9. love your bussines card! great one!
    have fun at the conference.

    my words for your blog:
    retro, smart, thoughtful, photoblog,

    can't think of the fifth word, and don't want to write whatever... it wouldn't be helpful.


  10. I'm totally in love with your blog! :-)

    Wow! Business cards! Those are totally awesome! Are you a graphic designer?

    How do you get rounded corners on your photos?


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