and then she snapped: happy birthday pete

happy birthday pete

Happy Birthday to my baby brother. I can only imagine if you were still here the joy you would bring to all of us, with your infectious laugh and your overall awesomeness.

love and miss you...seriously.


  1. ((HUGS)) my sweet friend and HaPpY BiRtHdAy PeTe!

  2. These pictures of Pete seriously make me smile; Happy Birthday to your awesome brother and big hug to you dear friend.

  3. Happy Birthday to Pete. So sorry for your loss.

  4. :( Little brothers are special... I lost mine over 18 years ago. He was 15 years old and although I miss the person he was, I miss the person he could have become (a friend my husband, a great uncle to my kids). Praying your day is full of sweet memories of Pete.

  5. Wonderful pictures. I know how hard this is Rachel, I miss my big brother each and every day. He should have been here to walk his daughter down the aisle or to help his son with the trouble he is in now. Life can be so unfair. Lots of hugs to you.

  6. I think Robin said it best. Keeping his memory alive is such an amazing and honorable thing. Kudos to you....

  7. Happy Birthday Pete! These are wonderful photos of him... what a infectious smile. Thinking of you.

  8. Looks like your brother was a very fun guy! Happy Birthday, Pete! Hugs to you, Rachel!!

  9. Pete was one of a kind, friend to everyone, generous spirit, fun-loving personality, handsome and tall...good eater{!}, fast-talking, full of BS, hard working,loved by everyone, no enemies, (HATED school), totally awesome and talented musician and artist, loved his family, would do anything for anyone...we lost someone so special....


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