When I took Charlie in for his one year check-up a couple months ago as we were leaving his pediatrician mentioned something about me being able to turn his carseat around now. His pediatrician!! Now I'll be the first to admit that I'm a little bit of a carseat nazi, but c'mon, the studies are there...extended rear facing is safer. And I was appalled that a doctor (especially one who specializes in children's health!) wouldn't be up to date on those studies. Well finally, "the American Academy of Pediatrics now advises parents to keep toddlers in rear-facing car seats until age 2, or until they exceed the height or weight limit for the car seat, which can be found on the back of the seat". {
source} And to those naysayers who argue that the toddlers legs may be too long to remain in their carseat facing backwards, I say, I'd rather have my toddler with a broken leg than a broken neck.
Our seat (the
Britax Marathon in CowMOOflauge
--which I love, btw) can be used rear-facing until 35 pounds. Charlie is a smidge over 20 right now, so he's got a while.
I'm so glad that the AAP has finally changed their recommendations on this, and I hope that many parents will listen. It's not too late, even if you've already turned your toddler around (though I'll admit it may be a little more difficult once they've tasted that forward facing freedom).
Charlie, peacefully rear-facing for a loooooonnnnngggg time.
What about your little one?
This wasn't Dr. Tart was it? Because he told us about rear-facing until 2 at AJ's 12 month check up. She is still rear-facing at 18-months, and truth be told Lady, I cannot wait to have her face forward; you've seen her, she's a lot of baby to squash up and into her rear-facer. We'll get her stats tomorrow at her check-up.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth the AAP actually endorsed rear-facing until two in late 2009. I don't know why it's just hitting the mainstream media, but the Pediatrician I worked with last summer was all about recommending longer rear-facing.
ReplyDeleteSorry yours rec'd to turn around and good for you, momma for knowing how to protect your precious baby!!
im a little bit of a nazi about this too. more of a silent one but i have really strong feelings about it! corbin will remain rear facing for as long as possible!
ReplyDeletealso? holy crap charlie's got eyelashes for days!!
good for you for posting this so more people know!
Awww, man, I am not going to lie..I was a little dissapointed to read this 'cause I have been counting down the days til my 13 month old can switch to forward facing (shes only 19 lbs right now)!!..and now I'm going to have to wait even longer! Oh well, better safe than sorry, thanks for the info 'cause I sure didn't get this info from MY pediatrician at her 1 year check up!!
ReplyDeleteMy pediatrician told me at Dustyn's 18 month appt but he was already so used to forward facing plus he was too big for the infant seat. This time I am keeping Carsyn rear facing as long as possible. Because I know more and because of his issues. I just went and got the graco my ride. Rear face to 40 pounds and 5 point harness to 65 pounds. Sweet photo.
ReplyDeleteI think rear facing longer is a good idea.I hve seen some 1 yr. olds that are petite and probably need it longer. in our case we did move her forward longer due to growth spurt and wight gain. overall I think it is a good idea/ Safety first not convenience.
ReplyDeleteI think this rule is crap. There. I said it. I understand it is "allegedly" safer, but I couldn't WAIT to turn my babies around. Glad my "baby" is almost 3. :) But glad you're keeping our buddy, Charlie, safe!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd that's one, damn cute sleeping boy. There. I said that, too.