and then she snapped: show {off} your shot

show {off} your shot

Welcome back!  Let's get started with my favorite from last week, it's from Jules J Gallery of the Everyday:

isn't it amazing?
very alfred hitchcocky, but beautiful at the same time!
Congratulations, Jules, help yourself to my awesome winner badge:

and then, she {snapped}
This week my tip is the clone tool.  I used it to turn this:

into this:

See what I did there?  How I got rid of that random guy in the background?  Super fancy, huh?

With the clone tool, you really have to just play around with it, to make it look natural, but, I do suggest that you ALWAYS work on a duplicate of your background (ctrl J) rather than your actual background...that way if your clone job ends up looking super LAME, you can easily delete the layer and give up start over.

Now it's your turn!  What tip can you share this week?  Anything?  Please link up the permalink to your blog post, or your flickr account and share something about how you set up or took the photo, or how you edited it.  I really want to know, so please don't skip this part!  Then add my button so others can play along.  I can't wait to see what you come up with this week!

and then, she {snapped}


  1. Hi! I hope you don't mind if I submit the last week's post (it fits the theme perfectly) because I had no chance to work on editing photos this week. let me know if you prefer a new post and I'll try to come up with something. :) Thanks!

  2. Hi again! I was going to vote for you at top mommy's blog but I couldn't find you. Do you have a permalink to your listing?

  3. Nicely done - gotta love to remove people from pictures!

  4. What a difference one little change makes! :)

  5. Great stamping. I like how you brightened up the colors too.

  6. I got it! thanks fot the instructions. I was a little bit confused on how to vote.

  7. You always find such interesting things to photograph!


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