and then she snapped: eyebrows


I took this (arm's length) self portrait, looking out my bedroom window, after I waxed my eyebrows (but now I see a few that I missed), and then I cropped out my nostrils.

if you look closely you can see my arm (holding my camera) in the catchlights in my eyes...(and you can also see why I may need to start saving up for some botox). 

linking up with selfie magic


  1. Oh this is a great selfie. Doesn't look like an arm's length at all, which is the point! Great crop, and focus. I really really love it!

  2. You are G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S! Forgetta about the botox...unless there is a two for one, then i will join you. :-)

  3. you look great! i'm pretty sure my close up would not look this good. at all. :)

  4. I love the focus on your eyes - I probably need to wax my eyebrows. They look straight in the mirror but every time I take a picture, it kinda looks like they are off.

  5. BEAUTIFUL! and awesome! I think we almost have the same color of eyes! LOL! I'm still wanting to get together with you!! Just waiting till we have our car here (still being shipped from Germany) and then I'll shoot you an email! I am SOOOO excited to meet you!

  6. You focused this photo awesomely! I love it.

  7. Great photo, love the angle and composition:D

  8. I just found your blog and became your newest follower. Wanted to say hi! :)

  9. The angle really makes this shot - beautiful! And your eyes are gorgeous.


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