and then she snapped: show {off} your shot - photo share

show {off} your shot - photo share

Hi! Thanks for coming back to the sixth week of show {off} your shot

Last week we had a record number of participants!  Yahoo!  Here are my favorites from the past couple of weeks:

my favorite from week four is from Jenny at One Day at a Time

and my favorite from week five belongs to Heidi at Me As A Mother.
(I love me some donuts)

please help yourself to the new winner winner button:

and then, she {snapped}
Thanks so much for playing along!

This week I want to share a little tip I use pretty much every single time I take a photo of a person...I put my little focus thingie on the eyes.  Particularly when shooting with a wide aperature (a small f stop) where your depth of focus might be very narrow.  I ALWAYS try and get the eyes in focus:

In the above photo I broke my cardinal rule of NEVER USE FLASH because, well, it was dark and I didn't want a blurry picture...which is tough with a quick baby and a slow shutter speed. 

The other tip I want to share that I abide by 99.9 % of the time is the rule of thirds.  This means that you imagine a tic tac toe grid is on your photo (dividing it into thirds each way).  I try and get my point of focus (the eyes, usually) on one of those intersections.  Sometimes I try and do it SOOC, but with babies again, they move so sometimes I achieve the same effect by cropping after the fact:

What do you think?  HUGE difference, huh?
Now it's your one of your favorite shots from this week.  Please remember to share something about how you took the photo, or how you edited that we can all learn from each other.  Also, please add my button to your post, so others can play along.

and then, she {snapped}


  1. Yay! Thanks Rach! And your button made me laugh.

  2. That made a huge difference and I appreciate you reminding everyone of the rule of 3rds. Tic tac toe is a great way to think of it. I commend you for shooting without your flash - with my rebel, I had a hard time after dark doing that so I learned how to use my flash in a way that looked fairly natural. You're doing a great job with this challenge. Thanks for hosting!

  3. I love that last photo. Too cute!

  4. omg. I didn't think it was possible for him to get cuter.


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