and then she snapped: my husband, the wordsmith

my husband, the wordsmith

last night, my honey and I went out to finish up some christmas shopping and on our way home we were discussing a friend who is about ready to have her fourth baby in a few weeks (you know who you are, jenny). 

anyway, Chris asked me if she gets c-sections or not.  I told him that she had had a c-section with one of her kids, but that she wasn't this time.  here's where it gets good.  he said (and I quote)..."oh, so she's having a c-bac?", I told him yes, but that it's called a vbac, you know, Vaginal Birth After Ceasarean.  He said, "oh, I didn't know it was an acronym, I thought it had a C-section and now you're BACK"


  1. ahahahahahah! yeah like s-bac is when you're bringin sexy back!

  2. I like my version better . . just sayin . .

  3. Tell Chris I feel a lot closer to him now! And, I'm givin' a shout out for the C-back! I kinda like it better too!

  4. Wow!!! Not that's an edit! I ♡ the vintage feel...


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