made the POTD!
Chris has been complaining about not being in a potd in weeks. I've tried explaining that making nerdy faces and trying to inch himself into my photos isn't the way to do it. A better (and more successful) way is to hang out near one of my favorite subjects--my kids!
This was taken tonight after Chris got home from work and I told him how Charlie found his voice today. He was literally "yelling" all day. Chris laughed when he started "yelling" so Charlie smacked him . Poor Dad, always getting beat up by the baby.
**This is my new favorite "look" for my photos. I make three duplicate layers (ctrl-J) of the original photo. One "soft light" layer and two "screen" layers. Sometimes I turn down the opacity of soft light layer. I like the washed out look it gives the photo, while keeping lots of contrast in the details..
cute! love that charlie has his "no apologies" facial expression and way to go on the experimenting w/ blending!