and then she snapped: How to Train your Dragon

How to Train your Dragon

...or, everything you need to know about getting your dragon, er, baby to sleep through the night. 

I decided that getting up three to six times a night was too many so I immediately checked out every book on the subject from the library.  These included Happiest Baby on the Block, Babywise*, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer and the No Cry Sleep Solution.  I skimmed them all, realizing that many of the authors expected me to have started "sleep training" my baby from birth.  Shit.  Four months old was too old, I had probably already broken mine by now! 

The Happiest Baby on the Block talks about the 5 S's: shhhshing, swaddling, sucking, swinging, blah blah blah.  BUT, I was supposed to start weaning him from swaddling at 4-6 months.  So, I probably shouldn't START swaddling at four months then.  And the No Cry Sleep Solution tells me that babies don't learn to reinsert their own binkies until 10-18 months, so if I didn't want to keep getting up to plug it back in when baby wakes up, then I better get rid of that too.  So now I'm 0 for 2.  I did take something from Babywise though...I started feeding Charlie on a schedule during the day.  7, 10, 1, 4 and 7.  Babywise also recommends feeding, then playing, then sleeping, which is sort of backwards to what I had been doing, so I decided to give it a try.  I've been following this "schedule" about a week now and it seems to be working.  I keep it flexible, but it has made it easier to remember how long it's been since I last fed him, and Charlie seems to be getting used to it. 

I wanted to try crying it out, but I was worried that then my eyes would get all puffy.  (haha!)

No, seriously, I was worried that he was too young and the No Cry Sleep Solution basically said if I let my baby cry it out he would be scarred for life. 

So I asked his pediatrician about it.  She said actually 4 months was the perfect time to start...that it would be harder at 6 months, and darn near impossible at 9 months.  She said if I wanted to eliminate nighttime feedings then to drop one feeding at a time.  She said by four days he would have forgotten that he was used to eating at that time and I could move on to eliminating the next one. 

Encouraged, I went home, vowing to start that night.  I fed him at 7:00 pm, like usual, then gave him a topper upper at 8:00 and put him to bed.  He screamed.  For 55 minutes.  On and off.  Don't judge me, I know, I know...that part sucked.  It broke my heart.  But, I knew he would be happier if he was getting good sleep, and I would be happier if he was getting good sleep.  I decided I was going to eliminate the first feeding of the night, so when he woke up at 1:00 am I didn't feed him, I just let him cry, and he cried for 30 minutes.  Then he fell asleep.  When he woke up at 4:30 am I fed him, put him back to sleep and he slept til 7:30.  I considered that pretty successful for the first night.  (And he still loves me!, see photo, above).

The second night I put him down around the same time and he cried.  For only FIVE minutes.  FIVE!  He woke up at 1:00 am again and I let him cry, for about 20 minutes.  When he woke up at 4:00 am, I fed him, and put him back to bed.  He slept til 7:00.

The third night (tonight) I put him down and he did not make a peep.  NOT ONE SINGLE PEEP.  He just laid there, watching his mobile, sucking on his fingers (no binky!) and fell asleep.


*I actually did not get Babywise from the library, I borrowed it from my friend KATIE.  She's rad.  ; )


  1. So I'm curious about this. When he wakes up, you let him cry and you don't go in the room? Or you let him cry while you rock him or pat his belly - but just don't feed him? Which book do you recommend?

  2. I'm so glad it's working. Babywise is the bomb. I used it for all 3 kids and highly recommend it. Great job mommy!! And great job Char-char!!!

  3. @Ingrid, I would recommend Babywise over all the other books, and I threw a little Ferber in there too (Ferber=cry it out). The Happiest Baby seemed more to be how to get your baby to stop crying (vs falling asleep), which isn't really what I was looking for. As far as what to do when he cries at night, it's really what you feel comfortable with. I wouldn't recommend rocking, because I'm trying to get him to put himself to sleep, I don't want him needing to be rocked to fall asleep. Just like I don't want him needing to be swaddled, or needing his binky. So I haven't been going in his room at all if he cries, normall. But, if I feel like he needs calming down, I will go in and maybe roll him onto his side, and maybe hold his hand for a minute until he calms down a little bit...but don't stay too long. Good luck!

  4. yay! looks like he's a quick learner!


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