and then she snapped: Dear Charlie

Dear Charlie

Dear Charlie, 
You've been with us for two whole months now!  You amaze me with what you are learning each day.  You are so fun.  I overheard Grace and Camden arguing about whether or not you had laughed.  Grace said you did, Camden said you didn't.  You still haven't laughed at me, and I am pretty funny, so maybe you're just not ready to laugh yet.   

You went on your first plane Palm see Mimi again and to meet Papa for the first time. You did GREAT, nice work!  I think you like the weather here, because you don't have to wear so many clothes all the time...and your bare arms and legs are so cute!  We took you to the park today, and just strolled you around in the nice warm sun.  (Don't worry, we kept you in the shade...but it was warm).  You really seem to enjoy being outside. 

This week you seemed to find your hands, or at least your arms.  You'll just stare at them like you're saying, "Whoa!  Where'd these come from?"  You are smiling regularly, and sleeping pretty darn well.  We put you in your own room, in your crib this week and you slept straight through for over 5 or 6 hours each night!  You go right ahead and keep that up. 

Camden fed you a bottle for the first time today.  And it was so sweet.  He loves you to pieces, Charlie!  We all do!


1 comment:

  1. Made me cry a little. Oh how quickly they grow. Happy Two Months Charlie!


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