and then she snapped: see ya, suckers!

see ya, suckers!

We are getting the hell outta dodge. In other words, it started raining here in good ol' Washington State, and I'm pretty sure it's not going to stop for the next 7 months, so we're going to spend a week in sunny San Diego. Starting tomorrow. Except all week I was checking the upcoming weather on my weather app and the forecast called for 79-80.

Except that I was looking at the weather for Palm Springs, not San Diego.

Which is about 10 degrees cooler.

Whatever, I'll take it.

I have failed at Nablopomo. Whatever. I had bigger problems this week.


  1. I would take a visit to either right now! Have a wonderful trip; we'll leave the light on for you!

  2. I'd much rather have the chilly rain of Washington, than the heat and sun of California. The idea of a week's vacation, that sounds wonderful!


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