and then she snapped: NaBloPoMo


Remember that one time I did a Project 365? aka POTD (picture of the day)? aka I took a photo every single day for a year and posted it on this here blog every single day for a year. And instagram didn't count. I didn't even have instagram back then (I do now: @andthenshesnapped). Well that? was hard.

Well I'm back. On a smaller level. I'm going to give this NaBloPoMo thing a shot. NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month. And it starts today.

If you're new here, please leave a comment and introduce yourself!
If you're doing NaBloPoMo as well, let me know! K?

I'm linking up for click it up a notch october photo challenge.


  1. I want to do this! I might have to jump on this and give it a go!

  2. This looks fantastic! I may have to join in too :)

    And your little guy is so adorable. I love his costume, did he have a fun Halloween? x

  3. I'm doing NaBloPoMo! In November I try to write a post that includes daily gratitude, so I up the ante and post 7 days a week. I figured I might as well join in with NaBloPoMo while I'm at it!

  4. I'm new here! And this sounds like an amazing idea! ...though I'm fairly certain I would not have nearly enough to say to post everyday.

  5. This sounds like fun. Maybe it will get me to blog more then once every other week. :) I *love* the green pumpkin and the photo of your little Charlie. Just looking at him always makes me smile. What a doll he is.


  6. I'm kinda new here, started following you a couple weeks ago. And actually live in the same area as you, were in University Place :) Check out my blog

  7. Visiting from Click It Up a Notch. What a cutie! This is the first I've heard of NaBloPoMo. Is it just a photo a month? I might could keep up with that.

  8. Jumping on the NaBloPoMo band wagon! Buzz looks like he's having a blast - and sorry about your pumpkins {reading posts backwards!}


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