and then she snapped: October 15. Remembering Mina.

October 15. Remembering Mina.

October 15th is Infant Loss Awareness Day. Not that we don't remember our darling Mina everyday. But today we make a special point to remember her as well as all the other angel babies that God took too soon.

So tonight, won't you join me and the millions of others who have lost their children either in pregnancy or shortly after by lighting a candle at 7pm. Be a part of this worldwide Wave of Light.


  1. I was just thinking about Mina a few days ago. You have four amazing babies.

  2. Love you dear friend! There will a candle in our house tonight in memory of Mina! xoxo

  3. Oh such a nice thing to do. We personally haven't experienced this but know some who have.

  4. Will remember her along with Liam tonight. :)

  5. I had no idea...definitely thinking of you and many others today!

  6. We'll join you tonight; in memory of Mina and others.

    Thank you for sharing this.

  7. I almost let today slip out of my mind. Its been three years since I lost little Gage. I'll think of Mina too when I light my candle.

  8. may your Mina and all the sweet little ones and all the mommas and daddys feel held in gentleness and peace.

  9. I am sorry for your loss. We too lost our grandaughter at today is also a special day for our memory of Olivia.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  10. I just finished reading a few of the posts about Mina's story and my heart is breaking for you. I admire your strength and would only hope to go on the same way as you have.


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