and then she snapped: embrace the camera

embrace the camera

Hey there! Charlie's playing with his friends at mom's day out this morning and I'm sitting at Forza, enjoying a decaf vanilla nonfat latte, and reading all your blogs. I had 186 in my reader this morning when I got here, and I'm down to 102. Holy Moly.

Anyway, what's new with you? I got my ticket to EVO Conference last week. I actually won a ticket to Blissdom at the very last minute (literally the night before it started. in Nashville), but the folks at International Delight (who were supplying the prize), graciously offered to buy me a ticket to a different conference that I would actually be able to make it to. I chose EVO, and I'm really really excited. I hope to be able to meet some of the people I only know through the internet so far, so if YOU are planning to go, let me know. If you're just THINKING of going, c'mon, go, we'll have so much fun!  I'm also looking for a roommate to help save on costs, so, you know, if you're not a raving lunatic, let's talk.

linking up for embrace the camera, you should too!


  1. You're SO pretty. Great shot! How do you find out about all these conferences? I'd love to go one of these days.

  2. Ah, I love those mornings when I can catch up on my favorite blogs & sip a favorite drink!

  3. You are gorgeous...inside and out! Miss you! xoxo

  4. I'm with Melanie. Sounds like a blast! I wanna bunk! ;)


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