and then she snapped: wordless wednesday but with words

wordless wednesday but with words

So my tooth started hurting yesterday, I ended up calling the dentist today (I hate the dentist), they said that if it hurt only when I bit down on it (which it did) that it was probably a fractured tooth. I stopped in so they could take a (probably very expensive) look, and damnit, but that's what it is. That means I have to get a crown. I've never had one and I'm not looking forward to it. (Did I mention that I hate the dentist?)

Please note that this photo has absolutely nothing to do with the dentist.

I don't really "get" wordless wednesday. So around here words are totally ok, and actually encouraged! So if you like words too and want to link up your wordless wednesday, but with words, please do. And if it's Thursday by the time you get around to it, well heck, that's ok too.

Grab my button and link up below and with some of my favorite wordless wednesday hostesses:

The Paper MamaLive and Love...Out Loud NapTime MomTogBlack and White Wednesday

and then, she {snapped}


  1. Tooth trouble is the worst! Ugh!
    Thank you for hosting!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  2. Oooh I hate the dentist too! They are evil.

  3. I have had one crown and was scared to death-I told my dentist that I wanted to be put under and she said that it wouldn't be any worse than fillings.. it really wasn't (and I only had novacaine...) ..not that fillings are was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.... I am sorry that you need to get one. :(

  4. Crowns are really nothing, just like getting a tooth filled...where the pain comes in is when you get the bill!! I have dental insurance and still owe over $400 for a tooth I had crowned last July!!! It is the pits!!

  5. I cracked a tooth and had to have a crown. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but man was it pricey!

    Good Luck!

  6. Hi! I hate the dentist as well!! Especially when it come to x-rays because I have a tiny mouth so the equipment they put in my mouth leave cuts. I have to go back for a crown and a bunch of other work :( Hope you have a good day!!

  7. I love the dentist. Weird I know, but I love having my teeth cleaned.
    Sorry about the crown though, that sucks.

  8. Oh ****! No fun with tooth problems. Unpleasant and expensive. I have a huge fear of dentists:( Hope all goes well and that it will turn out to be much easier than you thought.

  9. I count myself very lucky to have got to the age of 40 without even a filling. Touch wood that continues to be the case for as long as possible.


  10. Yikes, I have had a fractured tooth and it is no fun, sorry hun. Great capture though, love the curious face :)

  11. Yikes. I've never had a crown, but years ago, my then toddler threw a sippy cup at my face and cracked my two bottom teeth. That was fun! They're bonded now, but I'm always worried that they're going fall off.

    Hope you get it fix soon and heal quickly.

  12. I hate the dentist too. Cute shot of the boy though.

  13. So sorry about the fun! Cute shot:)


  14. This is such a cool shot! You should link up at my blog and enter the photo contest!

  15. ugh I hate the dentist too. That's what just happened to me as well, but I had to get mine I feel your pain.

  16. Hate the dentist! Have two teeth that need work, but am terrified! When I went for my consult I had a full on panic attack! Good Luck!
    PS LOVE the picture!

  17. Eeek! I dislike the dentist as well and dread going. Tomorrow my kiddos get to be the lucky ones in the chair, but it will just be a check up.
    Good luck friend!

  18. I am not a fan of the dentist. Finally found one who I liked and he went and broke his hand in a motorcycle accident (poor guy - can't practice anymore). That photo of your little one sure makes it all better! :)

  19. . . . oh and good luck in the contest!

  20. So sorry about your tooth. I haven't been to the dentist in quite awhile. And now it's been so long that I'm just afraid to go.

  21. Sorry to hear about your tooth. I have had a crown put it and it's really not that bad. My dentist does everything in one visit so no second visit needed. Hope yours is the same.

  22. Oh, the dentist. You have my sympathy. Right there with you on not liking them so very much.

    However, your picture is adorable!

  23. I just went to the dentist this morning. Not my favorite. Plus they want me to get a porcelain somethingorother that costs $1000. "It's okay, it's covered by insurance." Oh wait, I don't have insurance. Oops.
    Love the picture, though!

  24. Another dentist hater here! Sorry about your tooth. Hope getting it fixed is not too painful!

  25. That sucks about your tooth! But it is a nice picture. :)

  26. If you want to prevent something like this from happening then I suggest that you take care of your teeth at an early age.

  27. Its' really great that you were able to prevent this situation, if not I'm pretty sure that it would have gotten worse.
    dentists in houston

  28. My cosmetic dentistry plano tx instructed me to brush my teeth with buffered vitamin c powder, then swish with a solution of it mixed with water and swallow! It's very effective specially in that kind of situation. You should give it a try!


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